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Technical Drawing and Visualisation – exhibition

Technical drawing is a general term for all types of graphic representation in various scientific, technical and production sectors. It is one of the most important communications means for exchange of information and understanding among technical specialists worldwide. It is the bearer of technical ideas and has a more expressive value than a written or spoken word. Technical drawing has always been and still is a tool used in designing and development of products, in their manufacturing, maintenance, repair and disposal. It is used in the description of technical processes and manufacturing technologies, as well as in all sorts of technical documents. The knowledge of technical drawing is essential for understanding and creation of technical documentation, descriptive geometry being the common base for all kinds of technical drawing.

A brief overview of historical development of technical drawing is interesting not only from the cultural, scientific and technical point of view, but it also provides a background for its structuring and points out to the human inventiveness and thinking. In a way, the history of technical drawing reflects the history of perception and understanding the world in a similar way like the visual arts.

The main issue of technical drawing over the millennia was how to draw objects in a flat ground, i.e. how to display three dimensions in a two-dimensional image and, at the same time, to record external and internal shapes including structural elements. This seemingly insignificant task was finally resolved in the 17th century, while the real development of technical drawing is inherently linked to the emerging Industrial Revolution. The form of drawing documentation was dependent on the state of knowledge and skills in the field of imaging methods.

In these terms, the main aim of the exhibition is to present the development, forms and methods of technical drawing from ancient times to the present days. Through various technical drawings and documents, the exhibition presents the development in selected fields, mainly mining, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, aviation technology, civil engineering and industrial design. Next to the documentation and historic value, the exhibited technical drawings also point out to inventiveness, creativity, skills and aesthetic feeling of their authors. In addition to the two-dimensional documents, the exhibition also includes instruments and tools used in the recent past. A separate part of the collection also displays technical literature, tables and standards, but also examples of technical illustrations.


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Technické muzeum v Brně

Purkyňova 105,
612 00 Brno – Královo Pole

Telefon: +420 541 421 411
Fax: +420 541 214 418
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