Machines of Leonardo da Vinci
In his lifetime, Leonardo da Vinci devoted himself to art, science and technology. It was no exception that one conditioned the other. The exhibition at the Technical Museum in Brno focuses mainly on his technical inventions. It is known, for example, that Leonardo made detailed studies of birds based on his observations and then designed plans for flying machines based on them. His diaries also contain military inventions, everyday objects (calculator, drill) and much more.
The exhibition, entitled Leonardo da Vinci’s Machines, offers a selection of more than fifty models of da Vinci’s machines, created by Italian craftsmen exactly according to his plans and designs. Visitors can test the functionality of some of them (e.g. hoist, ball bearing, flywheel, mirror chamber), while other machines can be viewed up close. These include, for example, a slewing crane, a steam cannon, a self-propelled carriage (automobile). In addition to these models, the exhibition also offers reproductions of famous da Vinci paintings such as the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, The Lady with the Prism and others. All this will be complemented by information panels and audiovisual projections.
The exhibition is organized by the Technical Museum in Brno in cooperation with the ARANEUS production company.
Photo from the exhibition, ©Technical Museum in Brno